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Artist Statement

In my paintings I explore the subconscious and hidden worlds through mark-making and brush expression. Using acrylics, aerosol, and a variety of mediums, I approach the canvas with feeling and emotion, building layer upon layer. The first stage of my paintings is a fun, loose, and energetic approach. As time goes on, things start to come together and what once was abstract splatter becomes a psychedelic world of my imagination. Gremlins, elves, cosmic clowns, eyes, mushroom munching bears and plenty of mushrooms, aliens, & ufos look back at me waiting to come forth. Perhaps I render them, perhaps not. I like to remind people that things aren’t always as they seem and we can’t take everything at face value. If they take the time and look deeper into my paintings, they’ll find a wild world of patterns and colors and perhaps a little smiling friend saying, “Hey. It’s gonna be okay.”

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